6 August 2012, 05:06 - By Viking KARWUR
So how do you work with a designer to get their best work? Here are some suggestions:
- Choose your designer carefully. / Pilih desainer Anda hati-hati.
- Leave your preconceived notions at the door. / Tinggalkan praduga Anda di pintu.
- Tell your designer what you want to say rather than how you want it to look. / Katakan desainer Anda apa yang ingin Anda katakan bukan bagaimana Anda ingin terlihat.
- Be clear about specific features you need. / Paham mengenai fitur spesifik yang dibutuhkan.
- Do your research and be specific about your needs. / Melakukan riset dan di rinci kebutuhan anda.
- Make sure your message and content are clear. / Pastikan pesan Anda dan isi yang jelas.
- Design for your customer, not yourself, your friends or your colleagues. / Desain untuk pelanggan anda, bukan diri sendiri, teman atau kolega Anda.
- Have good reasons for your preferences. / Memiliki alasan yang baik untuk preferensi Anda.
- Don’t design by committee. / Jangan mendesain bersama kelompok.
- Don’t tell your designer how to design. / Jangan mengatakan kepada seorang desainer bagaimana cara men-desain.
- You can’t please all the people all the time. / Anda tidak bisa menyenangkan semua orang sepanjang waktu.
- Trust your designer (you are paying for their expertise). / Percayalah desainer Anda (Anda bayar keahlian mereka).
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